Domestic Abuse Intervention Program
P.A.T.S.’ Domestic Abuse Intervention Program (D.A.I.P.) is for male clients involved in a domestic violence offense with their spouse, partner, date, or relative. This program is group oriented and facilitated by a male and female experienced in dealing with batterers and their families. Attendees are challenged to develop non-violent alternative methods to resolve conflicts and keep women and children safe. The role of alcohol and drug abuse in domestic violence is also addressed. The program consists of:
- * 26 sessions to 50 week follow-up sessions 1 ½ hours long
- * Monthly update reports to referring agent
The initial session focuses on overcoming denial and minimizing the offense(s).
Follow-up sessions emphasize practical techniques for resolving problems that occur in attendees’ lives, focus on accountability of the perpetrator and the impact of domestic violence on children’s lives
Domestic Abuse Intensive Program Qualifications must have one or more:
- Client must have more than 1 Domestic Violence offense
- Serious injury to the victim
- Strangulation
Domestic Abuse Intensive Program consists of:
- * An initial intensive 14 hour weekend session
- * first 8 weeks at 2 sessions per week
- * then 42 sessions 1 time per week
- * Monthly update reports to referring agent

Economic Crime Program
This is a one day, 4 hours program challenges participants to examine the true costs and motivation for their economic crimes i.e. shoplifting, embezzlement, insurance fraud, etc. Discussion focuses on seeing crime in the context of need satisfaction and determining alternative strategies to meet those needs.Call for program times.

The Assaultive Behavior Change (A.B.C.) program is an intensive anger management program (not a domestic offense) open to both male and female offenders. An expert instructor guides each participant through a series of exercises, role plays, and lessons that challenge them to examine the self-defeating aspects of their violent behavior. Anger management, conflict resolution, and problem solving techniques are taught, practiced, and refined over the course of the weekly sessions. In addition, the exacerbating role of alcohol and drugs is covered. Participants attend 3 consecutive weekly sessions for 2 hours for a total of 6 hours.